Argent X multisig wallet requires owners signatures to transact, the number of signatures is defined when multisig account is created by the creator.
When trying to transact with a multisig, you will be able to see how many signatures you need for the transaction:
As a co-signer, you will see a notification in your Argent X wallet when a transaction requires your approval:
Go to your Activity tab and click on Pending transaction to confirm it:
As soon as the last required signature is submitted, the transaction will be sent to the blockchain.
IMPORTANT: A multisig transaction requires participation of several people, some might be unavailable right away. This means the LAST of the co-signers will be seeing the most recent information on exchange, network or other fees, price impact and slippage for transactions like swap or staking. It might impact the success rate or the amounts traded for tokens with volatile price or liquidity conditions.