To protect your assets we try to predict when your transaction may fail due to a factor out of our control, such as a sudden price movement on an exchange. When this happens we prevent your transaction from proceeding (and failing). This stops you from spending unnecessary network fees ("gas") as failed transactions still require gas.
When we predict such a failure you'll see one of the following messages in Argent:
- 'Transaction failure predicted'
- or 'Could not estimate network fee'
We're not always able to pinpoint the specific reason for the prediction, but it will likely be due to one of the following:
- Trading: Token prices may have made a significant and sudden swing beyond the parameters you selected for your trade. We are checking if they are still valid before the transaction is confirmed by you and sent towards the blockchain.
- WalletConnect: The Dapp you're wanting to use may have designed their security & financial models in ways that aren't compatible with Argent.
- Token-design: Some tokens and NFTs have preconditions on their smart contracts that have to be fulfilled before you’re allowed to transfer. e.g. RealT with compliance checks.
- Vault is inactive: You are trying to send assets from an inactive Layer 1 wallet.
- Internet connection: You might have a slow or unstable connection.
Troubleshooting tips for such cases:
- Make sure you have enough assets (ETH, DAI, USDC, USDT) for paying the network fee - you might need to alter the amount you are about to transact.
- Check if your Argent wallet contracts are up-to-date. To do this, try turning on a Trusted session in Security tab. You don't need to go through the process, you will be prompted to do in-app upgrade of the wallet contract if your wallet is not on the latest contract version.
- Try again later if the Ethereum network is congested (Argent wallet will warn you if this is the case)
- Try performing the transaction through an alternative Dapp or with alternative token.
- Reboot your phone/restart the wallet app.
- Try in a more stable internet environment.
Please also contact at any time.