What is it?
Trust Lists are sets of Dapps that do not need guardian approvals for transactions.
Argent list is the first list currently available. It's active by default in your wallet. It contains specific Dapps and functions integrated natively within Argent (e.g. in-app exchange, investment options).
How does it work?
A transaction with a trusted list dapp/address, for example in-app token exchange, won't require guardian approval, as Argent vets the available integrations, and transactions within those integrations in Argent do not present a security risk. A transaction with a non-trusted Dapp or address will always require guardian approval, unless you are in a Trusted session or transacting to a trusted contact.
Example: A deposit of DAI in Compound won't need guardian approval as it doesn't present a security risk because you just get cDAI in return. But sending DAI out of your wallet to a non-trusted address will require guardian approval.
Who manages the Argent list?
The Argent list is managed by us to stay in sync with our native integrations. For security it has a 1 week time-lock for adding a Dapp, while removing a Dapp is instant.
The list will be active by default but you can disable it with a tap. In doing so you're making your Argent wallet a full multi-sig wallet.
How to enable/disable Argent list?
Argent trust list is enabled for you by default, but you can disable it any time. For this, please go to your account switcher (ETH or zkSync icon on the top-left in your Assets tab) > Argent Vault > Security > Trust lists and tap on Argent list. You will see Enabled button, tap on it to toggle it off. Disabling the trusted list is a transaction and will require Ethereum network fee (gas) to be paid.
If you disable the Argent list you will need to use guardians for every transfer, including those to Trusted contacts.
How to add a Dapp?
You can't yet add a Dapp to a Dapp list. If you want a Dapp added, please let us know at support@argent.xyz.