What is WalletConnect?
WalletConnect helps you to use a Dapp with a mobile wallet. It works on both mobile and desktop and is becoming one of the main standards for Dapp access in Ethereum.
You can learn more about WalletConnect in our Learn hub here.
How can I use it?
Please follow this guide.
Can I change the amount of gas used?
You can now easily choose between three levels for gas: standard, fast, and fastest.
The prices are automatically updated based on current network conditions.
To choose the level that's right for you, tap on the network fee when you make an investment. You can toggle between Tortoise 🐢 (Standard), Rabbit 🐇 (Fast) and Sprinting Rabbit 🐇💨 (Fastest) symbols.
For each level we display the transaction's estimated completion time.
For more information, please see our fair use policy for gas.
What Dapps are supported?
You can find the full list of supported Dapps here.
I am trying to interact with a Dapp but there is no popup on Argent
This is likely due to the Dapp having an issue with your browser session. The following steps resolve the issue for most people:
- Go to account switcher (ETH or zkSync icon on the top-left in your Assets tab) > Settings > Connected dapps.
- Find the Dapp that is connected and disconnect it.
- On your computer please open Chrome incognito window and proceed with the trade from there.
Something else went wrong
If you are having issues with WalletConnect (or any other issue involving Argent) and cannot find a solution here, please contact us at support@argent.xyz - we'll be happy to help.
WalletConnect is still in its early development, so we've listed it as an experimental feature.
We are aware that several Dapps support Wallet Connect but have issues with smart-contract based wallets such as Argent.
Please also note that transactions can sometimes fail, if this happens you will still need to pay for the Ethereum transaction fees.