Argent makes it easy to access Dapps, including desktop Dapps. Argent wallet can connect to any desktop Dapp that supports WalletConnect (a standard for connecting mobile wallets to Dapps).
You can find the full list of supported Dapps here:
How can you connect Argent to a Dapp?
- Open the Dapp dashboard/app page and look for an option to connect a wallet.
- Select WalletConnect among the connect options. You will be presented with a QR code.
- Open your Argent app and tap Scan on your Assets screen at the top.
- Scan the QR code. You will be prompted to authorize the Dapp in your Argent wallet.
After you connect to the dapp, you will be interacting with the dapp UI and the wallet to make a transaction.
Transaction through WalletConnect consists of two steps - pre-authorization and the transaction itself. Pre-authorization is not required for ETH, but is needed for other tokens.
Upon the first operation you can start a trusted session for a period of time. It might be cheaper to open the trusted session this way and the transactions that don't include guardian approvals will consume less network fees. If you choose not to use trusted session, every step (pre-authorization and transaction itself) will require guardian approval. You will need half of your guardians approval to proceed with the transaction.