An important advantage of Argent being a non-custodial wallet is that you always control your assets - in any scenario.
This even includes the extremely unlikely event that Argent as a company was to cease functioning. If this happened you'd still be able to move your assets to the Ethereum wallet of your choice. This means you've got peace of mind whatever happens.
Here's a step by step guide to how to move your assets out of Argent using the Argent app and another Ethereum wallet. In this example we will use MetaMask. It also shows a transfer to an address you've already designated in Argent as a "trusted contact". This means Guardian approval doesn't apply. To move your assets to a new address, please find instructions at the end of this article.
Install MetaMask if you don't have it already:
1. Open your Metamask > click on the circle in the top-right corner to access the settings.
2. Go to Settings > Advanced > toggle Show HEX Data to ON and return back to Metamask wallet home page:
3. Open Argent wallet > swipe up > tap on the token you want to transfer out.
4. Tap Send > tap a contact or enter the address to send tokens to.
5. Tap Use Max.
6. Tap Continue.
7. On Review Send screen press and hold Send now until a transaction data screen opens.
8. Tap on the Address - Copy, then paste it in notes or email.
9. Tap on Data - Copy, paste it in notes or email.
10. In your Metamask wallet click Send.
11. Paste the address in Recipient
12. Click Advanced options, set gas limit to 250 000.
13. Click Save.
14. In Hex Data field paste your copied transaction data.
15. Click Next.
16. Review the transaction details and click Confirm.
Moving your assets to a new address
To not be restricted by Guardian approval requirement you will need to trust the address you’re moving your assets to. This takes 36 hours.
- Open Argent.
- Tap ‘Contacts’, then either select an existing Contact or add a new one.
- Press the ‘Trust’ button.
- Hold (for 5 seconds) the ‘Trust address’ button, and Transaction Data will appear.
- Follow the steps above from 'Open the wallet of your choice' until 'Click confirm'
- Return to the previous screen and proceed by trusting the address (please note this action happens on-chain and requires network fees)
- Wait 36 hours for the trusted contact to be added
- Follow the steps from the top of this page, 'Choose asset'