Your wallet is powered by code or "smart contracts", that run on zkSync Era blockchain. When we make new capabilities available for your wallet, we update the latest contract of the wallets. When you tap the Upgrade button, you ensure your wallet is up to date with new functionality and security updates.
Why doesn't it just auto-update through the App Store / Google Play?
The app on your phone is really just a "remote control" to help you operate your wallet. Your actual wallet is a smart-contract stored on the blockchain.
Updating the app doesn't in itself upgrade your wallet. With Argent you are in control of your funds and your wallet, Argent cannot access or interfere with your wallet, only you, using your phone, have the authority to upgrade it.
What if I don't want to upgrade?
In future, we intend to enable an opt-out, at least for certain upgrades. But for now, to enable us to iterate quickly and offer the best experience to users, you will need to upgrade if you wish to continue using your Argent wallet.
Why do I have to pay for the upgrade?
Smart contract upgrade transaction is a transaction on-chain. Every transaction on-chain requires network fee to be processed. Argent doesn't profit from network fees, they go to the blockchain.